The Medicity

All you need to know about Laparoscopic Surgery Trocar

Laparoscopic Surgery Trocar is a medical device that is used in laparoscopic surgeries to create a small incision in the abdominal wall for the insertion of other surgical instruments, such as a laparoscope or surgical scissors. It is an essential tool in minimally invasive surgery, as it allows for a smaller incision, reduced postoperative pain, and a quicker recovery time.

There are different types of laparoscopic trocars available in the market. Some of the commonly used types are:

Bladeless Trocars

These trocars are designed without a blade, and they use a blunt tip to penetrate the abdominal wall.

Optical Trocars

These trocars have a built-in camera that provides the surgeon with a visual image of the abdominal cavity.

Bladed Trocars

These trocars have a sharp blade that is used to penetrate the abdominal wall.

Non-optical Trocars

These trocars do not have a built-in camera.

Size of Laparoscopic Trocars:
Laparoscopic trocars come in different sizes, ranging from 2mm to 15mm in diameter. The size of the trocar used depends on the size of the instrument that needs to be inserted and the size of the patient.

How to Use Laparoscopic Trocars:
The patient is placed under general anesthesia.
The surgeon makes a small incision in the abdominal wall.
The trocar is inserted through the incision and into the abdominal cavity.
Once the trocar is in place, the surgeon can use it to insert other surgical instruments.
After the surgery is completed, the trocar is removed from the incision site

How to Avoid Damage:
Laparoscopic trocars can cause damage to internal organs if not used correctly.
Some of the steps that can be taken to avoid damage are:
Use the appropriate size trocar for the patient and instrument being used.
Ensure that the trocar is inserted at the correct angle to avoid damaging internal organs.
Use caution when inserting and removing the trocar to avoid accidental damage.
Use an optical trocar to provide visual feedback during the insertion process.
Monitor the patient closely for any signs of internal bleeding or organ damage.

How to do sterilization:
Reusable trocars must be appropriately sterilized before each use to prevent the transmission of infectious agents.
The trocar should be disassembled and cleaned thoroughly, then sterilized using methods such as steam autoclaving, ethylene oxide gas, or hydrogen peroxide plasma.
The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed to ensure proper sterilization and maintenance of the trocar.

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