The Medicity

Port entry technique important aspect of laparoscopic surgery

Port entry technique is an important aspect of laparoscopic surgery as it allows the surgeon to gain access to the abdominal cavity. There are several techniques for port entry in laparoscopic surgery, and the choice of technique depends on various factors such as the surgeon’s preference, patient characteristics, and the type of surgery.

Here are some commonly used port entry techniques in laparoscopic surgery:

  1. Veress needle technique: This is the most commonly used technique for establishing pneumoperitoneum. A Veress needle is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small incision in the umbilicus, and carbon dioxide gas is insufflated to create the working space. The needle is then removed, and a trocar is inserted through the same incision.

  2. Open technique: In this technique, a small incision is made in the abdominal wall, and the surgeon directly visualizes the insertion of the trocar into the peritoneal cavity. This technique provides better control and visualization but has a higher risk of injury to underlying structures.

  3. Optical trocar technique: This technique involves the use of a trocar with an attached camera that allows the surgeon to visualize the insertion of the trocar into the abdominal cavity. This technique provides better visualization and reduces the risk of injury to underlying structures.

  4. Hasson technique: This technique involves the insertion of a trocar through a small incision under direct visualization. The abdominal wall is lifted with a forceps, and the trocar is inserted into the peritoneal cavity. This technique provides excellent control and visualization and reduces the risk of injury to underlying structures.

It is essential to select the appropriate technique based on the patient’s characteristics, the type of surgery, and the surgeon’s experience and preference. The surgeon should also take appropriate precautions to minimize the risk of injury to underlying structures during port entry.

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